Monday, November 3, 2008

Postmodernism (Med. and Gov)


I think it's a word people throw around without really knowing what it means. But, here is a link to a favorite little book of mine by Andrew Boyd. It's called Life's Little Deconstruction Book:Self-Help for the Post-Hip. And it is a bunch of quotes and one liners to get you thinking and smirking.
CLICK: "Read the book" for excerpts! It's wonderful fun, it is!

Jon Margolis – Instead of a definition, it has attributes, one of which, according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, is an air of “ironic self-reference and absurdity.”

Nikkie's research - Reacting against modern attributes and style by returning to classic and traditional perspectives or taking modern practices to extremes. (That's what I took from's definitions)
Katie's research gives us - decline of absoulte truth . . . fragmentation . . . no answers . . . playful celebration of chaos.
Began at 5:29 a.m. July 16, 1945 when first atomic bomb went off? i.e. end of mondernism, decline of progress, death of progress. Interesting tidbit for thought.

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