Monday, November 17, 2008

The How To Blog About How To Get Started in Freelance Writing

So, you have the degree, that little piece of paper that's hung in a nice frame on your wall or suffocating under books, bills, and spare change on your desk. You're out of school, and nothing in the local classifieds seems to be calling your name. What's the next step? Well, for you, and other professionals looking to make it in the writing world, my advice is to consider freelancing.

What? You don't know how to get started? Well, here are my top 3 tips on how to get started in freelance writing.

1. Make sure you have everything you need to stay on top of the game. And you don't even have to spend thousands of dollars on top of the line gadgets, leather brief cases, or cool looking fountain pens. (Although any of those things could make fantastic holiday gifts, so spread the word to your family around shopping time.) Still, you need to find what works for you. What is the best way for you to organize your ideas, emails, contact information, drafts, etc.? Once you consider those things, check out for a list of what every freelance writer needs to get started.

2. Practice writing. I know you've just got done writing all those papers and projects from college, but this is the real world now. And you if you don't practice, you're freelance writing career will fall faster than Little George Bush's approval rating. Start off small and talk to your local paper. Also, don't be afraid to practice writing different versions query letters for your stories. Then ask a friend or colleague what they think! Do some exploring on for some more information.

3. Consider all of the different types of writing opportunities available. Sure, everyone wants that Time magazine cover story, but you need to think realistically when just starting out. There are tons of different writing jobs out there. You just may need to think outside the box a little bit. Consider writing for free or writing greeting cards to build up your clip file. Associated Content and E Working Women both have excellent information on various types of writing that could get your started in the freelance world.
Associated Content
Finally . . . . think positively about the baby steps you may have to take to get to where you want to be with your writing career. Everyone walks before they run. You just may write greeting cards before your Newsweek cover.

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